Sunday, May 16, 2010

Best beak days of our lives!

These have been some great beak days lately! Been meaning to do a beakpost, just a matter of finding some quiet time to organize my beakthoughts.

I love my beaks! They eat beakloney, they sometimes charge around asserting their beakthority.

I notice though how beaks are not over-eaters, compared to pigeons for example. The pigeons will eat until they bust. Just non-stop pecking machines. Beaks will nibble on a little beakloney, eating what they need and leaving the rest. They seem to have more dimensions to them than garden variety birds. They're not afraid of people for the most part. They can be quite playful. Quite communicative to the best of their abilities.

I mean they only have 2 sounds. Either 'bdddddd...' or 'co-co-co-co,' but they seem to use these sounds with different pitches and intensities to communicate different things. Sometimes a beak will come right up to the screen door and just give a soft series of bddddddd sounds to announce that he/she wants a little beakloney. If I'm in another room, one of the females has taken to co-co-ing real loud to get my attention. She seems to know which room I'm in and co-co's near that window. then I go to the back door, beakloney in hand and she meets me there.

I wish everyone knew the joys of beaks!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

More great beak days!

It's been another great couple of beak days! What a great beako system I have here right in my own beakyard!

Been seeing more of the females lately, with their red design on the side of their noggins. Usually they stand outside in the shade under the lawn chair and look toward the screen door when they want some beakloney.

Doing contract work from home and taking care of my beaks may just be as good as I've ever had it. Miss my wife though who is in San Francisco looking for work in her field - so I am wifeless but not beakless.

Yesterday Beak was running along the back support board of the wooden fence that encloses the yard. From my perspective I could only see him from about mid section up - his neck, his little noggin and his beak. His head was leaned forward as he charged along with their customary look of intense mission. Those birds are alert and ready to charge off on some very important mission (technically only God knows what it is) from the moment they pop open their little eyes to the moment they bed down for the night. Long live beaks!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our Roadrunner dictionary

First and foremost - BEAKLONY. Beaklony is roadrunner's favorite bologna (Bar-S brand).
Then, of course, our backyard now is nothing but BEAKYARD.

BEAKTHORITY (or like Cartman from South Park would say, BEAKTHORI-TAH!) is something Beak establishes when he bullies other birds in our beakyard.

It's all for now but I'm sure we'll come up with more as our relationships with beaks develop.

- Alexa
Another great beak day! Very fortunate to be working from home, get to keep an eye on all the beakage in my back yard.

I think there are 2 females, only saw one today. You can tell the females by the red and white design they have on the sides of their little noggins. Gave her some beakloney in the morning.

Beak (the larger male) came by a good 2 or 3 times for his beakloney today too. As usual he made sure it was good and dead before he ate it. They're so tidy about their eating. Breaking it up into little pieces, then opening and closing their beaks in really wide chomps as they eat. Just as entertaining to watch drink, as they dip their beaks down into the bowl, then tip their little noggins back to let the water flow down.

By evening I already miss Beak, looking forward to him coming to the screen door again tomorrow .. making his little 'bddddd' sound waiting patiently for more baloney for his beak.

Seeing more colorful birds come in to eat the bread and birdseed I put out. But I think they're just passing through.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What a great beak day! Looks like the female is coming around for baloney too. She's a little more timid, and generally stands back a few feet from the door. She tends to nibble a little more than Beak (the larger male), but she still seems to enjoy it.

My wife figured out the secret - just warm the baloney for a few seconds in the microwave. Found out that roadrunners have very high body temperatures, so the baloney right out of the fridge was probably freezing their little beaks. Don't want to give them a brain freeze.

I like peeling the baloney in a long strip like a snake. Beak takes it by the edge and beats the crap out of it against a rock. Watching Beak kill the baloney is truly a great pastime around here!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Great Roadrunner 101: Bologna! Not bird seeds.

He is a carnivore. He likes meat! Especially, bologna.

Click to view full size:

- Alexa

Great Roadrunner 101: They don't do "Beep! Beep!"

That's the roadrunner who visited us about two years ago. That was our first encounter with this amazing creature.

- Alexa